The latest update to part VIII B of the Tariff has been announced effective from the 1st August 2014. There are 1 addition and 2 deletions as well as some formulation changes and price increases and decreases for the majority of products listed. We are keen to keep you updated with significant market changes which […]
Some epidemiological studies have shown that domperidone may be associated with a small increased risk of serious ventricular arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death. These risks may be higher in patients older than 60 years and in patients who receive daily oral doses of more than 30 mg. Non-prescription domperidone products are not recommended for use […]
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) strongly supports the MHRA’s decision to licence all nicotine-containing products, including e-cigarettes, as medicines to help people cut down or stop smoking. RPS spokesperson Neal Patel said: “This decision will put an end to the dodgy pop-up shops selling e-cigarettes made who knows where to unknown standards which could cause real health problems. […]